Friday, January 6, 2017

on wishes unfulfilled - Me, My Guru


Next, once you start looking cheerful and being happy also work on your general health. Eat well and don’t be on salad diet etc to maintain body and beauty. Bringing a baby into this world demands a lot from this body of yours. Prepare it well! Remember,
you and your husband’s health decide the constitution of your child. Do you want to have a child with weak constitution now or a healthy child later? Maybe Reiki wanted you to get healthy first as it wants to bless you with a ‘child’ who ought to be super healthy to do great works in its life! Who knows? Are you physically good enough of a home to nurture such a ‘destined child’? Maybe not! Get super fit and healthy. Stop eating only salads and ‘no rice diet’. Eat also ghee in required quantity. You can get back your ‘figure’ once you have ‘healthy child’ in your arms. Now your requirement and priority ought to be different. Next, know that all the reiki done to get the object of your desire goes to get the best possible one for you –something that you are not karmically eligible for now!

Once, a girl stood in a queue which was leading all towards God. And that day God was giving ‘apple’ fruit to all! The girl being a kid prayed standing in her place in the queue ‘God give me the best
Apple. Thank you!’. When she stood in front of God, she received one but when she tried to eat it, it fell down. The rule was that to get again, you had to come in line again. So she went and stood in the queue
again. The same thing happened again. She not losing heart stood in the line again. This time she got a big, delicious apple. When she ate it she was satisfied. Then she asked God “Why did my previous apples fall down?” and God replied “because you asked for the best and for it to come in turn I had to let the previous two slips happen”. The girl went away happy.

When we ask for a desire, to give us what we desire for, He has to make us wait! So wait, but with faith, hope and cheer. And enjoy every moment of this phase of life to its brim. Because, whatever you do later, whatever happens you can not get back this ‘status’ again. Once you become parent, you cannot go to not being one. One can disown a child, hate a child, give away a child for adoption – just about do anything with the child but still you would be a parent – always. So, maybe there are still wishes of yours which you can fulfill only now! Go and fulfill those wishes of yours. And when the child comes welcome it with all the love in you. Somany hurry for the kid and then complain “I am not able to do this and that because of the child’. Nothing hurts the child than knowing that it is impediment in its parent’s life. Don’t let that happen with your kid. Sit in mediation and go within to see those areas which are longing to express themselves before the child comes.

Do yoga regularly to strengthen your reproductive organs and yes it heals any uterus related problems too, thereby any problem related to conceiving is also done away with. I hope all of you are clear in this area”.

“But Guruji, why should I do all these things? So many people conceive in this world and they don’t do any of these. When it happens so effortlessly, why should I undergo all this pain?” cried that girl again.

Usually Rahul, Aziz and few others get irritated when people ask such lame questions after hearing her detailed explanation. There never seemed a need for their reaction. I gave it on behalf of all of them. Yes, today I saw the stupidity in that question. Here our Guruji so patiently was explaining her do's and dont's and this woman was asking why? Why can’t she trust ‘her’ blindly? In fact, why did she come to her at all, if she didn’t believe her words? The last line increased my anger still further. But I wasn’t surprised when our Guruji with her usual love and concern tapped her head and started answering her question. 


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