Wednesday, January 4, 2017

On wish unfulfilled - Me, My guru


At lunch, we were most of the time silent. We each were looking at our experiences. We saw our ‘unnecessary’ and redundant explanations and knew we had to cut them immediately but also knew that we wouldn’t. We would justify as ‘our needs’ and get
going with our present life-style. The problem was not that we spent so much unnecessarily but that we were still dissatisfied and felt we were ‘adjusting’ in life. We were ever complaining and ever in pain inspite of being so irresponsible towards our own hard earned money. We always have ‘Joneses’ to keep up with. We always felt short of ‘Johns’ life-style. ‘We received all abundance of life later than now’. We pitied ourselves the most. And the ‘dangerous part’ of this whole exercise was that we couldn’t do anything about it. Yes, as rightly said by her, it certainly was a ‘bad situation’.

“Acute case is one where there is no rice at home and you are glad when someone repays their old due of Rs.200/- and you feel so rich and relieved that you purchase groceries and vegetable for one whole week. Yes, this situation is really bad. But, it hardly is possible now with all credit card facilities available to one and all! And mind you I know so many who have seen such times and yet they never complained that they had financial problems!

Next is the case of worst kind. That is being jobless, no assets whatsoever – be it jewellery, FDs, investments of any sort, no own house or plot and yet in a situation where you are to pay a debt of atleast of 10lakhs and above – running into crores depending upon one’s level in society. Never forget the fact that to a man whose house runs in Rs.15-20,000/-, 10 lakhs is a huge debt and whose investment is 20 lakhs and above, the loss of one crore sounds similar. Yes, this is a very bleak situation – no post-mortem done here or required here! The situation could’ve risen because of our own wrong business judgement or business loss due to natural or socio-economic causes, someone cheating us, we have stood guarantee for someone and that person is absconding or better still – one in the immediate family has goofed up in some way – gambling, loss in business etc and now we are facing the music thanks to their greed/irresponsibility/selfishness/any other nature.

On such counts just don’t look into the causes of it, it can’t get you
out of this situation. If you are to pay the bills, stop thinking of how it happened, why it happened and how it could’ve been avoided. Just accept it! Yes, even if it because of some family member. You are slogging to pay this debt – so you as well save your energy to come out of this crisis than be angry with that or those persons. Stop entertaining them or cut them off from your life if need be – but don’t dwell on their acts and character for long. Trust me; nothing damages you more than that! So buck up and be ready to face this situation for a long time – say about 5yrs or so to come. It does look bleak at the start and the amount to be repaid looks so enormous that it looks important to pay back.

 Just remember ABCL – Amitabh’s co. Made a whooping loss of $14m US and it took so many years for him to pay back all his debts. That was his come back or second innings. And to put it in his own words  “Bachchan explained: Our friends advised us to close this losing venture and move on but we decided to clear all our debts despite huge losses and re-start the production of films It is only my conscience that kept me going,” the legendary actor said. “Many businessmen and financial advisers told me that I should give up ABCL and start a new life. But somewhere I felt that I owe people money. People had put faith in ABCL because of my name. Therefore, I could not let it go easily. There was a sword hanging on my head all the time. I spent many sleepless nights. One day, I got up early in the morning and went directly to Yash Chopraji and told him that I was bankrupt. I had no films. My house and a small property in New Delhi were attached. Yashji listened coolly and then offered me a role in his film Mohabattein,”

I then started doing commercials, television and films. And I am happy to say today that I have repaid my entire debt of Rs 90 crore and am starting afresh,” Bachchan said.


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