Saturday, May 23, 2020

Me, My Guru – On death and healing

Me, My Guru – On death and healing

relsase from fear | acim lessons and quotes

“Guruji, people are dying in large numbers inspite of us healing since so long. How can you say that our healing works”? demanded Vaishnav.

97 Enlightening & Powerful Quotes By Marianne Williamson To ...

Yes, though he used words like question etc he was actually demanding answers from her. He thought he was very good because he had control over his behaviour. But his nature spilled all over him and screamed of disrespect. 

Over the years, I’ve understood this thing. We can act ‘good’ but our nature can’t be hidden with our ‘acting as good’ skills. 

We are not what we project; we are what we are inside!

It was there for everyone to see. Those who had even little clarity of thought could see through a person’s ‘good and soft behaviour’. People who were on same platform over looked each other’s flaws and praised each other! Chor chor mousere bhai meaning two thieves are maternal cousins. In English we would say ‘birds of same feathers flock together’. But the Universe didn’t thankfully listen to your ‘acting behaviour’. It saw you for ‘who you are’ and gave accordingly. Only the day we understand this simple truth and accepted it would understand why we received what we received. 

Quotes for Healing — “Even in the most pressured and hectic...

Her voice cut through my thoughts as she went on to answer his accusation “Once Narada Muni asked Lord Krishna “What is the usefulness of chanting ‘Narayana’? Can you explain its power to me?” 


# healing, power of healing, chanting, God, trust, expectations, conditions, receiving, happiness, relationships, contentment

Points to be understood : 
  • Life cannot be custom made as per our likes and dislikes.
  • Just because we don't like something it doesn't go away in life.
  • Just because we are desperate for something it doesn't come into our life.
  • Life is what happens to us even while we are dreaming and planing something totally different from what is.
  • Either we learn to work around life for what it offers or suffer for what it offers. There is no middle path in this.
  • If it is called 'unfair' life would laugh and say 'so be it!' and still go on to be what it is. It is not bothered about how we frame it in our words and feelings.
  • Expecting from life and its situations is the cause of pain and suffering in our life.
Questions addressed : 
  • How healing works
  • What to expect from healing
  • Expectations not necessarily met through healing always!


Aparna Deshpande said...

Happy guru poornima mam

Kshitija said...

Over the years, I’ve understood this thing. We can act ‘good’ but our nature can’t be hidden with our ‘acting as good’ skills.

The above lines made me realise how good actor I am .