Saturday, May 9, 2020

Me, My Guru – On disagreement


Me, My Guru – On disagreement

“But so many of your explanations are painful to me!” he cried out.

Reasons for Disagreements | Perception quotes, Disagreement quotes ...

“It is not my explanation that is painful. It is your expectation from me. You want me to give answers which are pleasing to your taste and ears. Those answers you already know. Why should I reiterate what you want to hear? I’ll only give answers that need to be given!” our Guruji was still explaining, when he cut in to complain. “But I don’t agree with them. I hate God for making you say such things when they don’t mean anything.”

“My answers are not my opinions or beliefs. They are ‘absolute truths’. You need not believe them. You need not accept them. In fact, I don’t expect you to understand them either. Yet, my answer would remain so! They are not for you to believe, understand, or accept. They are to be heard by you, as of now! You are free to disagree with them; that’s your choice. But my duty is to give an answer which is needed; one which is right. I am not here to please you with my answers; I don’t have to win you over with it. So feel free to disagree wholeheartedly with my explanation and answer.”

maturity quotes one of the truest signs of maturity is the ability ...
Being respectful in spite of differences of opinion

“But everyone is judging me for disagreeing with you” Vaishnav sulked.

“They are not angry because of your disagreement. Their anger is because of how you disagree” she replied. ...
Disagreement on an issue is not personal
“Sorry Guruji, I didn’t get it” he said, a little mellowed.


# agree to disagree, opinions and issues, personal relationships, anger, control, conditions, acceptance, forgiveness, art of living the right way in a given relationship, concern and control, judging, respect

previous posts on this topic : 

Questions addressed : 
  • Why does that person not understand?
  • How to make that person see reason?
  • What do I do about the pain and suffering because that person doesn't understand me?
  • How to address anger that comes when someone doesn't accept what you are saying?
Points to ponder upon :
  • Opinions, beliefs are subjective. Don't make them personal.
  • Just because some one doesn't accept, see your opinion it doesn't mean he hates/dislikes/disrespects you.
  • They don't agree with your opinion means they don't agree with your OPINION only! It doesn't mean they have problem with you.
  • Learn to see the difference between person and his opinion.
  • As long as we identify with our beliefs, opinions, advice we suffer when it is not accepted, rejected or ridiculed. Heal the identification NOW! 

Observation :  The way you have described yourself in one word is interesting in more than one ways. Just note it in your journal with present date on it. This description may change for some of you at a later date. That is ok. The day you feel you are better described in a different word or sentence than what you presently feel, again write it down in your journal ..........

Regarding describing others - fascinating. Some descriptions make it so intriguing and I wish I met some of them......good........


Kshitija said...

Today I have done the afternoon healings in the same time and fell a sleep and I had a dream in which a Brahmin was telling my mother in law not to worry as the life of ur daughter in law has been taken care of .
I became very peaceful after that . Because yesterday for some time I was in a hell of my thoughts regarding certain issue and today they told her the issue would be taken care of .
thank you reiki and thank you Guruji

Aarthi said...

Good evening mamm,

Yesterday i had dream( on topic rose🌹)as if someone was explaining to me...ROSE GOOD..b like a rose,learn to blossom,expand ur wings..b sensible,learn from it to live life to fullest.
Dont think but THRONS.i woke up...dont remember next lines..

2) i culd hear was "help needy".

3)i got a beautiful msg from one of my friend,which has a very very beautiful pic of Ganesh Ji...golden colour,very bright,his hands as if he is doing reiki,and two hands holding very powerful "STAR" LOT OF energy coming out of it,,and it carried a msg

WHOLENESS."ACKNOWLEDGE the oneness of life".
"Recognize that you are part of something have a connection here,with not only this life and physical body,but with the DIVINE AND THE UNIVERSE.GANESH is guiding you to recognize the scared truth that you are a divine being,here to give& receive love.IT is time to recognize your role in this life.YOU LACK nothing.THE simplest way to win heart is through your actions.

Really left this might b a msg for me,im continuing afternoon noon session mam, makes me clam & relax.
Thank you mam.