Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Me, My Guru – On death and healing


Me, My Guru – On death and healing

Expectations | Positive Quotes

Expectation in our life is based on our limited understanding of life, Universe, good and bad etc etc and with our limited knowledge of so many areas of healing and the healed. We suffer with our ego, hurt, frustrations, anxiety and fear.

Life is so constructed that an event does... - Quote
Our definition of right and wrong is based on our limited vision of time and space……can I see beyond time? Can I see the cause and effect of any event over the period of time?

This way the basis of expectation itself is at fault. But I blame master/Reiki or God for not living up to my expectation and say “how can I trust if He has failed again?” she stopped as if lost in some thoughts.

Often the most precious gifts of life come in ways we neither plan ...
“I didn’t understand this space and time concept. What do you mean when you said I can’t see beyond time? What is the cause and effect that I am blind to?” asked Vaishnav clearly irritated.

Some students at some time were like him. - Totally insensitive to her pain and suffering. They didn’t bother about her needs; they didn’t take ‘her hurt’ into account. They just ‘expected’ her to fill in their needs. They felt it was t heir right to expect from her, to live up to their demands seemed to be her duty to them. They ‘expected’ this of her and said “As a Guru is she not supposed to do all this?” This question talked about their condition on which her role as a Guru rested. Any deviation from that expectation and condition of theirs and lo! She fell from their pedestal. They got angry, irritated and what not!


Also read previous post for further clarification : 

Read the related post to know about Faith

Questions answered : 

  • Why we can't trust even when the other person is being good and selfless towards us?
  • Why can't we appreciate, validate or be grateful for all that we have in life?
  • Why do we feel empty inspite of having many things that we asked for and many more that we didn't even ask for in our life?
  • Is the emptiness sure to go away if our 'present condition' of suffering gets addressed our way?
Point to be understood :
  • Happiness and peace are the state of mind.
  • Gratitude is the quality of our persona that takes us to Happy state of mind.
  • Conditions that we lay on our expectations are the black hole that empties the abundance in our life. It sucks all our energies. It makes us devils from within. It becomes the breeding ground of jealousy, stupidity, fear, illogical reasoning, lack of clarity, misconstrued understandings, frustrations and what not........the list goes on. Now imagine what 'hell' you have created for yourself with one simple 'expectation' from just couple of people in your life?
  • Is it worth it? 
  • Understand your pain completely and then take a decision on how to move about in your life......
  • choose wisely for it will decide your future too.........
  • Never underestimate the power and need of don't know what treasures it can give you till you have received it with your perseverance of healing.

1 comment:

V Sridhar said...

Today's Reiki MagicπŸ₯°

My dear friend was having relationship problems with his close family members & he shared that with me...I just listened to him & he possibly felt good to have someone share his tale of woes as he had not shared it with anyone...

I did some healing work...without any expectations... I knew it had worked next day as my friend had changed his depressing Dp in his whatsapp to a really cheerful one that included his nearest ones of his family... wow... I just cud not believe it!!! In fact I had wished he change the Dp, but did not tell him...& Then next day I responded to one of his quotes of Vivekananda, appreciating it & at the same time guiding him how to apply it in his life with a counselling on how 'Expectations' delude us leading to our many sufferings... (A Huge Thanks to Revathi Mam πŸ™πŸ™❤️❤️, as that's the current ongoing topic!!) I was not sure how he wud receive it & actually expected a backlash, and was ready for it as I genuinely wanted to help him get a "clarity of thought"... He responded in his unique style with a joke meant for people above 60+ yrs...I laughed & laughed & sent that to about 10 friends of mine 60+..who responded with more fun & frolic...
Thank you & with love❤️πŸ™