Thursday, May 28, 2020

On comments and healings

On comments and healing

further to comment how about you people give your understanding and then i'll if need be.......

regarding healings that we have been doing during lockdown - tomorrow is 29th May the day lockdown was to be removed.....and we had decided to continue our group healings till then.....since most of the lockdown is already removed our group healings session also come to an end .........

those who are still going to be at home, if you still wish to do these healings, go ahead and continue doing......

don't think it is 'holiday' period for you......the real problem is right be with healing........find excuses to do healing.......not go back to your mundane routine..........

later i don't want to hear comments like " but it is so frightening...isn't it.? " etc.....


Supriya said...

Thank you Ma’am for bringing us together and guiding us through these challenging time. I was able to get more clarity and was also able to see the before and after effects of healing within me. I don’t think I have ever let my soul take over my healing as much as I have in these days. I wasn’t able to sit for the 1 hour night (IST) light circle because of my work schedule, but I benefitted from the morning light circle. I will continue with chanting as much as I can. Thank you for all your help ma’am! And thanks to each and every person involved. I enjoyed reading their comments too and I learned a lot for everyone.

Regarding the comment mentioned above, I felt like responding to the comment with what Draupadi and lord Krishna had said of the actual dharma after the ordeal, but then thought you would have a perfect understanding and answer to it. Also, you had explained dharma in many other posts. So I started looking forward to your response. It was a good question on the sadhak’s part as only when we raise such questions will we think and get the right answer. It holds good even now and will be applicable for atleast many generations to come. I will sit back, think it through and try to respond.

Thank you!

Kshitija said...

Thank you very much for the healings reiki and mam if possible I would like to continue these healing sessions as
Two of the most important relations of my life have improved and I am more happy about it . I always was worried how would I get to improve these relations . Thanks to the healing sessions I have benefited a lot from these healings .
Thank you reiki
Thank you guru ji

Vaibhav said...

Greetings Mam,

All these days I used to have my office meetings from 8PM to 9PM or prior, None of 100+ meetings happened between 9pm to 10 pm since March 23rd or so when we started our LC and other sessions , but as soon as I read this post yesterday evening, I observe that all my meetings for next week are from 9PM IST... This is nothing sort of a miracle! This is purely God's and Reiki's blessing that they gave me a chance to sit in evening LC for more than 2 months without any office related disturbances for me to worry about.

Also Thank You So Much Mam, Really appreciate you taking time and being connected to us remotely thru these healing sessions, We all really enjoyed it, will continue our healing as we get time on daily basis...

Thank you Guruji,
Thank you Reiki.