Friday, July 26, 2024

Kabir ke dohe - On cleaning!


Kabir ke dohe - On cleaning!


Nahaaye dhoye kya hua

Man maila na jaye

Meen sadaa jal mein rahe

Dhoye baas na jaye

नहाये धोये क्या हुआ 

मन मैला ना  जाये 

मीन सदा जल में रहे 

धोये बॉस ना जाए।  

What is the use of taking a bath or washing and cleaning

for the dirt of the mind doesn't go away 

As fish is ever in water 

and yet even after cleaning its stench doesn't go away...

It means:

Don't be so stuck up on just the rituals (like cleaning the body etc) for any amount of cleaning the body doesn't do away with the dirt of the mind. Just as the fish is ever in water and yet its stench remains with it forever!

Concentrate on the cleaning of intentions, attitudes, and emotions from within for only that remains and that matters - both to you and in the end!

(those who can translate better, welcome)


meen - fish

nahaaye - taking bath

dhoye - washing

baas - stench (bad smell or odour)

# kabir, dohe, on cleaning the body, rituals, 

read suggested on related topic



read all the links given or only one - your wish...

come back with your understandings and observations.......

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