Friday, July 19, 2024

Me, My guru – on receiving grace and on the power of Grace!



Me, My guru – on receiving grace and on the power of Grace! 

She took her time to settle and adjust her saree. She drank water from her glass. She even gave instructions to bring tea and some biscuits. And only then, she replied in the usual gentle way” – A person who is calm from within doesn’t get enamoured by others’ reactions or taunts. He is ever so calm and peaceful. That person acts out of control. That person demands respect. That person need not beg to be respected. That person is in control of the situation. That person knows to be centered amid chaos! And all that is possible only when we know ourselves, heal ourselves and work on ourselves.

In this example, the Sun’s rays are your Guru’s blessings and grace. Being indoors reflects a lack of right attitudes. This causes ‘deficiency’ in our lives”.” – In every relation, a person who is always looking at what the other has to give and how he has to act is the one who is always complaining and suffering.

Instead, if the person looks at his own actions and intentions and works on himself, he will walk towards solutions and towards freedom from every suffering.

By now tea was served. We drank. The tension in the air was gone. We regained our calm. Our anxiety and anger just vanished. Was it the effect of ‘this place’? we always wondered about this!!! We also felt it could be because of her presence. But we never found the answer – yet!” – In the company of a peaceful person, everyone becomes calm and peaceful. If people are getting restless, irritated and agitated, then we need to look at our state of mind and work on it. The day we become calm and composed, others will also become so in our presence.

We don’t need to change the entire World. Just change yourself and the entire World will change for better.

That really was a divine miracle. And how have we missed out on seeing, validating or appreciating it all these years?! The loss – of course, was ours – all the way!!??” – Everyone is always looking for material miracles. But, the real miracle is the way ‘the person is”. And that we miss out on many occasions. How sad is that!?

Look around you. Do you find such miraculous behavior in the people in your life? Bless them! Thank them for who they are! Validate them! Be grateful for such people in your life!

And our Guru left without much ado. Even in not creating a scene in case of emergency – which was but obvious, we had so much to learn.” – How a person conducts himself in times of need and emergency talks about him a lot! Look at yourself ( at least after the incident has passed) and see where you can improve. Look at yourself and your behavior and know the areas that need to be healed. Then heal! And then next time see if you have conducted yourself in a better way! Know the way healing is impacting you – this way every single time. Then, every bad phase also becomes your learning arena. And you benefit from such times too!


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1 comment:

V Sridhar said...

Points I liked in the post:
We are responsible for who we are and our behaviour.. when we face & accept our negativity, we take responsibility & the initiative to heal that aspect.. then we grow.. The other who provoked me to react is a mirror and I can be Grateful to him or her for awakening me...
Love & Gratitude ❤️ 🙏