Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Me, My guru – on receiving grace and on the power of Grace!



Me, My guru – on receiving grace and on the power of Grace!

In this example, the Sun’s rays are your Guru’s blessings and grace. Being indoors reflects a lack of right attitudes. This causes ‘deficiency’ in our lives”.

By now tea was served. We drank. The tension in the air was gone. We regained our calm. Our anxiety and anger just vanished. Was it the effect of ‘this place’? we always wondered about this!!! We also felt it could be because of her presence. But we never found the answer – yet!

“Then, what is the use of Guru’s blessings? We anyhow wouldn’t benefit from it because of our unworthiness. Right?” asked Vijaya.

Wow! What a difference in the way this question was asked! And how full of negativity was the first question asked? Today, I noticed the difference. I was totally taken aback noticing one more miracle of today – her response, stance and tone – everything was the same for both the questions.

There was no change in the way she answered. That really was a divine miracle. And how have we missed out on seeing, validating or appreciating it all these years?! The loss – of course, was ours – all the way!!??


# Me, My Guru series, on the grace of a Guru, on grace, eligibility, the worthiness of a student, role of a Guru, On guru, 

further on this topic https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2016/07/buddha-poornima_30.html 

read the link given to understand : the role of the Guru in various stages of our spiritual growth

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