Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Me, My guru – On keeping healthy



Me, My guru – On keeping healthy

“Just take a bath 1 hour before going to bed. Meditate after taking a bath for say 15mts in the least. Do not use phones, TV, or any gadgets. Just relax – reading a book or listening to music before going to bed” replied our Guru.

“Just that?” asked Vaishnav surprised.

“You wanted a simple solution right?” asked our Guru.

He nodded his head. He was beaming with joy.

We were dumbstruck. Did she really give an answer to such a question too? Why? How? But…we were lost.

She just smiled and continued the class.

We didn’t dare ask any further questions. If she had answered so immediately and so confidently, then it must work!!!

All we had to do was take a bath in the evening – but 2-2 ½ hours after eating. And also that we need to wait for an hour before going to bed after bath. So, we just had to time our bath accordingly! Such a simple routine – good on so many levels and yet….

Even Covid has taught us the importance of taking a bath after coming back from office/outdoor activity. But, we stopped it when Covid fear vanished!

Why couldn’t we stick to our ‘good habits’ even in good times? Did we always need external compulsive force to follow the ‘right way of living’? was it the reason we had to face such ‘hard situations’ in life? I wondered!



# good habits, living right, lifestyle and diseases, disease-free life, attitudes, being healthy, age-old traditions of India, rituals of India, 

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    1 comment:

    Kshitija said...

    I got my answer.
    I will do it and get back with my experience.

    My experience of morning bath. My entire way of handling things has changed because of change in one habit of taking bath after brushing .