Sunday, July 14, 2024

Me, My Guru – On karma explained – Bhagavatam


Continued.....(Tips to understanding the post")

Me, My Guru – On karma explained – Bhagavatam

He didn’t give water to the person who was about to die. This was the same cup of water that caused Karna’s chariot’s wheel to get stuck in the mud. And that became pivotal to his death in Arjuna’s hand.” – “Every sinful act/thought carries within it the punishment that it deserves.”

We need not be the judges of others’ actions. We need not judge others’ character. We just need to work on our own character. The rest will be taken care of by the Universe and the Law of Karma on its own. Let’s not break our heads over it. Let’s untangle ourselves from the sins of others!


Like many days, we didn’t receive though she gave – completely with love!” The most common pain and cause of suffering are “I didn’t receive love/respect/my due from the people in my life”. But, the question here should be “Was I strong enough to accept, receive, recognize or validate the love/respect/my due when it was given to me?”

An empty vessel will never get filled if it be broken in places!

Think about it!

I left her place in a better frame of mind than what I had come with – even today!” –

Don’t ask what technique to use (no need to call me or any other Reiki channel for that matter)? Just be with any technique that you feel like doing. And that will loosen up the hold of your emotions on you and then your clarity will increase. You will be able to see for yourself the next step that needs to be taken. Walk on that. And pretty soon you will be out of the mess of your emotions. You’ll come out free! Every single time! You have already experienced this multiple times. You’ll realize it so every single time you fall back on your sadhan!  ALWAYS!



# bhagavatam, Krishna and Rukmini, Karna, how karma works, karma, one act of injustice can overdo the lifetime of good done.

As always read the complete post in one go to get a better understanding of the same!

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