Wednesday, July 3, 2024

On sayings and quotes! On taking pride of your journey!



On sayings and quotes! On taking pride in your journey!

That would be taking a ‘wrong lesson’ from the ‘right experience’ in life!

Why is it so?

When we are proud, it means we are considering ourselves above others (in this context especially). Think about it in the following scenarios:

I suffered so much of insults and abuses you know

I failed 10 times

Both my marriages failed

I lost in every business that I took up.

I underwent ‘XYZ’ operation or medical procedure.

Would it sound right if we are proud of ourselves or our life situations where we think we are better off than others in such situations?

Are we competing with others in such areas too?

Is our ego so vain that we want to be above others when it comes to facing failures, problems or pain in life?

So don’t be proud in such scenarios. Listen to yourself when you are talking about your pain to others.

See the way you are narrating your story to others.

See the words you are using in expressing or painting your past to others.

Know the difference between taking pride and being proud of your journey!

Look within yourself!

Overcome this weakness.


# ignorance, seed of karma, life journey, quotations and sayings, pride and proud of life journey, 

also read suggested 


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