Saturday, July 13, 2024

Me, My Guru – On karma explained – Bhagavatam


Continued.....(Tips to understanding the post")

Me, My Guru – On karma explained – Bhagavatam

one among us pounced on her with the next question “But Karna” – This is a very common phenomenon. People dump their anger on one person onto the other. Why? Because, many times, the person they are angry with is a person of stature, position or like and they are not in a position to go against them. So, they divert their anger onto the person who is either lower in cadre in their life or who loves or supports them a lot. This is usually a Guru, mother, parent, kid, servant and so on. How is it justified? Think about that! And that too comes back as our karma! Remember that! And that’s how we get caught in the vicious cycle of karma.

Yes, we attacked – didn’t seek an answer. We felt threatened by her answer. We were comfortable with our way of thinking and living. But her explanation challenged our beliefs. We hated her for that. We didn’t want to be shaken of our beliefs. Because that meant we had to accept that we were wrong. And we assume we are bad if we are wrong! How twisted and baseless was our logic!!! And we rested on this logic for our sanity and happiness!!?? No doubt, we suffered through life!” – As long as we follow this pattern we are bound to be bound to our karma. We are bound to suffer. We are bound to hurt the person who means good in our life. We are bound to do “adharm”. We are bound to sin.

Meditate on this nature. Meditate on the way you think and behave. Look closely at all your actions and their reasons. Then, heal them. Seek forgiveness when you have wronged. Seek forgiveness the moment you realize you have hurt someone unknowingly (also). Unless we correct our way of thinking there is no respite from our suffering and pain. How long do we want to go about suffering this way?

But, she never mentioned it. she never ventured there. She kept up her work – as regular as ever!” – It is just not enough to be right. It is also needed that you don’t hold it as a medal. Don’t belittle others because of your goodness. Virtue ceases to be a virtue if you keep bragging about it. Just do good but don’t promote yourself as a ‘good person’. Therein lies your victory in the spiritual path! Therein lies the technique to become “Enlightened”.


# bhagavatam, Krishna and Rukmini, Karna, how karma works, karma, one act of injustice can overdo the lifetime of good done.


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