Thursday, July 18, 2024

Me, My guru – on receiving grace and on the power of Grace!



Me, My guru – on receiving grace and on the power of Grace! 

Pointers to understand this post:


Today, it seemed we all had come with our baggage of frustrations, anger and expectations to our Guru’s place. We didn’t even let her have breathing time. Maybe, that’s how we react when emotions are highly disturbed and agitated!” – This has been repeated so many times before too! Understand this statement clearly. Read it 10-20 times to get it. Don’t think it is about the way you behave with your Guru (if and when you have one ONLY).

No! It applies to every situation where you lose your cool – be it with family, friends or strangers. Why do we lose it? We justify getting angry, tensed, worried etc by putting the blame on the people or the situations in our lives. But, that is not so! That is what is explained in these lines – AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN. And all one gets is “Maam is always pointing at our mistakes and telling us to behave right with her” – Wake up! I am NOT so vain as to PLEAD you people to give respect to me or request you people to be good to me.

Understand your behavior with your near and dear ones – that is what is blog is all about! Understand that! Apply that! Overcome that weakness. Become empowered!

Walk towards your freedom!

A Guru can heal all your Karma. A guru’s grace can work wonders in your life”. What do you have to say about it then? Do you mean that all that is written about Guru’s grace being all-powerful is wrong?” – As long as we have this mindset where we want someone else – be it your partner, child, parent, Nation, society, God or anyone else – to make things right for you – you’ll always remain weak, powerless, abused, fearful and suffering. Always! Get inspired by others! Take help from others – BUT, walk your path! Carry your cross yourself! The day you take responsibility for your life and your state of mind, you’ll know what empowerment is! You’ll realize what it is to be fearless! You’ll know what it is to be free! You’ll experience confidence. You’ll live your life your way! There is no other shortcut to being fearless and happy! Understand that!


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