Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Me, My guru – on receiving grace and on the power of Grace!



Me, My guru – on receiving grace and on the power of Grace!

She was ready to start her explanations after we all completed our tea, but – suddenly there was commotion in her house. She went in. and when she came out, out came all her family members. They all rushed out. She gave Rahul some instructions and left.

We all sat till we wanted to. We discussed it among ourselves. We chit-chatted. We healed a bit. And later that day, we left – each at his own time.

Rahul didn’t tell us what happened. And our Guru left without much ado. Even in not creating a scene in case of emergency – (which was but obvious), we had so much to learn.

And we sat to question Guru’s role and contribution in our life – year after year!? How pathetic were we!

And how much a Guru had to give and in so many ways – was way beyond our comprehension!!



# Me, My Guru series, on the grace of a Guru, on grace, eligibility, the worthiness of a student, role of a Guru, On guru, 

further on this topic 

Tips to understand the post - Contd....

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