Monday, July 22, 2024

Me, My guru – On keeping healthy


Me, My guru – On keeping healthy

“Guruji, we know the list of do’s and don’ts to keep ourselves healthy. Eat right, exercise, maintain cleanliness and have food, sleep and wake up at the right time – these are some of them. But, can you give us a simple easy for anyone to follow technique that could decrease the chances of us falling sick regularly” asked Vaishnav.

We all laughed. He always asked such questions. He wanted quick-fix solutions. He wanted immediate results. He was restless and lacked patience. His character was reflected in his questions. He was hurt and irritated when we all laughed. But our guruji’s answers dissipated them as fast as he had those feelings.

“Just take a bath 1 hour before going to bed. Meditate after taking a bath for say 15mts in the least. Do not use phones, TV, or any gadgets. Just relax – reading a book or listening to music before going to bed” replied our Guru.

“Just that?” asked Vaishnav surprised.

“You wanted a simple solution right?” asked our Guru.

He nodded his head. He was beaming with joy.


# good habits, living right, lifestyle and diseases, disease-free life, attitudes, being healthy, age-old traditions of India, rituals of India, 

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Points to ponder and questions answered:

  • The right way of living was the way of life for Indians since time immemorial. 
  • Rituals and daily way of living were centered around spirituality and were hence wholistic.
  • The purpose of life was considered to be "Enlightened" or "Moksha" or "Freedom from life and death", or "Immortality". Call it by any name, each of these goals led one to super-consciousness only!
  • The body was considered the "best and must" vehicle that needs to be maintained right so that it aids one in the spiritual pursuit.
  • Body was not seen as the "be-all" of existence.

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