Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Me, My guru – On keeping healthy



Me, My guru – On keeping healthy 

Pointers to understand this post:

“Guruji, we know the list of do’s and don’ts to keep ourselves healthy. Eat right, exercise, maintain cleanliness and have food, sleep and wake up at the right time – these are some of them. But, can you give us a simple easy for anyone to follow technique that could decrease the chances of us falling sick regularly” asked Vaishnav” – This is one common mistake by most who want to grow especially in spiritual field. They THINK they know and ask to be told other than what they actually know! Sad on so many counts! A person who actually learns, adapts, grows and benefits is the one who sits, listens and asks with emptiness. He doesn’t come with the baggage of “knowing” anything. He listens with  open mind. He listens with an empty mind.

others'“We all laughed. He always asked such questions. He wanted quick-fix solutions.” – Very often it is seen that we find it easy to find fault in others. We laugh at others' shortcomings. But, when others do the same with us, we get angry, hurt and carry grudge.

Forget others’ faults. Stop looking at them. If you REALLY want to progress in the path towards your growth and happiness, then look for flaws only in yourself. Look within and outgrow them as and when you notice them. Work on your short-comings. Leave the flaws of others for themselves.

“Just that?” asked Vaishnav surprised.” – Even when we get what we asked for, we don’t seem to be happy about that. Do you know why?

Remember, we always get what we seek, what we ask and what we search for. So, know what you want and ask for and be very sure about that!

If one is not happy even after getting what he asks for, then how can one be happy ever?

“You wanted a simple solution right?” asked our Guru.” – You get what you ask for! So, beware!


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