Thursday, July 25, 2024

Me, My guru – On keeping healthy



Me, My guru – On keeping healthy 

“You wanted a simple solution right?” asked our Guru.” – You get what you ask for! So, beware!

We were dumbstruck. Did she really give an answer to such a question too? Why? How? But…we were lost. “ – We consider ourselves experts in knowing what and how everyone is supposed to answer, behave and talk or conduct themselves. The day we learn to look at an incident with wonderment, joy, purity and with openness, we’ll know what real bliss is!

Why couldn’t we stick to our ‘good habits’ even in good times? Did we always need external compulsive force to follow the ‘right way of living’? Was it the reason we had to face such ‘hard situations’ in life? I wondered!” – Once a good habit is developed don’t ever lose it. Stick to it. Why do we go back to our old habits? The moment you realize that, come back to a new good habit. Practice, practice and practice till that habit becomes your nature. Never let go of a good habit.

Your character is built on your habits remember that!



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