Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Me, My Guru – On karma explained – Bhagavatam



Me, My Guru – On karma explained – Bhagavatam

It was later when Rahul and others pointed out I understood this point. The point was that we attacked our Guru with our questions. Yes, we attacked – didn’t seek an answer. We felt threatened by her answer. We were comfortable with our way of thinking and living. But her explanation challenged our beliefs. We hated her for that. We didn’t want to be shaken of our beliefs. Because that meant we had to accept that we were wrong. And we assume we are bad if we are wrong! How twisted and baseless was our logic!!! And we rested on this logic for our sanity and happiness!!?? No doubt, we suffered through life!

And all this was our assumption – not what she said or did. We were comfortable with our assumption that we were right and good people. And that, we were suffering because of others’ faults. But, her explanation bared this lie of ours. We were exposed to our assumptions and belief systems. That way we became responsible for all the good and bad in our lives. We didn’t like that. We didn’t want to own up our pain as our own doing. And therein lay the cause of our fight with our Guru. Maybe, even she knew that! But, she never mentioned it. she never ventured there. She kept up her work – as regular as ever!

Her reply brought me back to the present moment.

“Of course Karna was the greatest of data (giver). Yet, he too kept silent during Draupadi’s vastrapaharanam (disrobing of Draupadi). Not only that, in war people were to fight as per their ranks in war (in those days). A common soldier can’t challenge an adhirathi and vice-versa. Similarly, a fighter when he doesn’t have his weapon is not attacked. But these rules were not followed even by Karna during the war when the young boy Abhimanyau was attacked by Karna, Duryodhan, Shakuni and others – all at once. He fell to the ground and was without any weapons. Yet, they kept attacking. The brave lad used the wheel of the chariot to continue fighting and was then vanquished by Karna’s arrow. He asked for water but Karna didn’t give him water to drink even though a bowl of clean water was near Karna. He didn’t give water to the person who was about to die. This was the same cup of water that caused Karna’s chariot’s wheel to get stuck in the mud. And that became pivotal to his death in Arjuna’s hand.


# bhagavatam, Krishna and Rukmini, Karna, how karma works, karma, one act of injustice can overdo the lifetime of good done.

Read the link to learn more on this topic https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2021/01/on-receiving-grace.html 

    Questions addressed and points to ponder:

    • Do not try to understand the Laws of the Universe by taking only a part of any story. 
    • We can't understand the Laws of the Universe by looking at only one event of our life too!
    • Karma can be understood only when we see the complete picture.

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