Thursday, December 14, 2017

Me, My Guru – Stories and All! The God! / God in the temple! / The temple and the God!

Me, My Guru – Stories and All! The God! / God in the temple! / The temple and the God!

It was still dark. The sun hasn’t risen yet and the priest opened the doors of the temple. The crowd standing for the gates to open rushed in. Priest became busy with his routine of cleaning the altar and other such duties. Few devotees were circumambulating in a hurried manner. They had to complete their set number of rounds (circumambulation) before leaving the temple. They kept looking at their watch a bit tensed. They were already late in attending their daily chores. Their pace quickened. Hurriedly they took the ‘prasadam’ (the sacred dish offered to the Lord is considered and called ‘prasadam’) and ran towards their vehicles.

One lady was asking about the ritual of doing certain type of pooja.
One man came beaming and declared that he was donating golden crown to the Lord – The God! The priest was very happy and started explaining the details required to do the same. Few calculated the amount need for the same and felt jealous of his earnings.

Couple of people sincerely sat down with few books and were chanting some ‘mantras’ from those books. It took quite some time for them to finish their job.

Someone came to get his ‘vehicle’ blessed by the Lord and hence got some rituals done!

There was lots of activity going on in the temple. Lots of devotees came and left.

And the ‘Idol’ waited to become God!

also read :


Mona said...

Beautifully written Ma'am! This is the story of every place of worship

REVATHI said...

yes it is about the place of worship but there is more to it....think....