Saturday, December 16, 2017

Me, My Guru – On Gratitude!

Me, My Guru – On Gratitude!


Honestly I was more hurt and I hardly understood anything of what they said that day. But I started attending all her sessions (yes, inspite of paying fees with a twisted mouth and heavy heart). And after years, I realized and thanked them for hurting me so (which they didn’t intend to bye the way! It was actually my ‘motive’ because of which I felt hurt!) for all the belief-systems that I let go which were holding me on the my fear, pain and anger. I still had these emotions but in very tolerable degree and I gained peace and understood beyond any measure of material benefit. Today was going to be one such day when I had a major shift in my thought process.

“My entire existence is dependent not on money, success, fame, friends or relatives but only on air. And that my body sincerely does respiratory work without my involvement. Thank-God for that! Imagine if I had to tell how much to breathe and make conscious effort to breathe all through the day, would I be left with ability to do anything else with life – even as simple as eating? Every moment the body is breathing and yet I am unaware of it. I don’t participate in it. The entire process is unknown to me and yet – yet the body works. If it is not ‘His Grace’ what is it? We don’t count it as His Grace as we take ‘these things as normal’. Ask a person who is asthamatic or has wheezing problem or trouble breathing. Have you seen a person on ventilator? How one struggles for a gasp of air?

And to us it happens! And yet we ask ‘Do miracles happen?’

Even to a person who questions ‘His Grace, His blessings etc this happens – this is Miracle! And that is Grace!

And here we talk about “but it is not fair....”

“I am asking for justice...”

Think about it!

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