Saturday, December 2, 2017

Me, My Guru - on On being part of the Society and Social responsibilities!


Me, My Guru - on On being part of the Society and Social responsibilities!

Happy is not one who is in Ideal situation and with Ideal person but one who is the change that he wants to see! And how can I who complain and see only faults get up to bring about change or contribute to anything productive. One who is busy constructing or creating anything productive has least amount of time to worry and cry or complain. If you have time to complain it means “You are free enough not to be part of creating something useful either to yourself or others. Even if you were busy making money for self, do you think you’ll be left with time and energy to criticize? Imagine Bill gates, Modi or Mukesh Ambani complaining about their family members, colleagues, friends or government! Can you see them doing and achieving what they do. During our discussion we also understood that we complained because we felt and believed that others were responsible for our well-being and prosperity. And hence expected them to cater to our needs (as per our standards)! If not this we felt our pain was because of others action or inaction. Either way, others were responsible for our happiness or misery as the case may be! And since we can’t make them to do or not to do as per our wish, we would eternally suffer. No amount of healing can solve this issue unless our perception changed in these matters. And our healing didn’t change much of situation unless we changed our stand. And surprisingly as we changed our perception and let go off our expectations, situations and peoples’ attitude in our lives changed! Yes, when it no more mattered, it left us! What a paradox! But then that is ‘Reality’ and Truth of life and Law of Universe! Take it or leave it....

You can complain, worry and cry your heart out due to this Law but it wouldn’t change. It would function and give results only when you do change for sure!

Each one of us came with our experiences and examples to support this understanding....

We learnt a lot for one day today!?

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