Monday, December 25, 2017

Me, my Guru – On right and wrong! Oh the do’s and don’ts!


Me, my Guru – On right and wrong! Oh the do’s and don’ts!

 “So the onus of responsibility of convincing us rests on you, isn’t it’ he asked.

“Smoking is injurious to health and it is told from so many quarters and yet people choose to – why? Do you mean to say they weren’t convinced by others in their life? Inspite of all the data, cajoling by near and dear a person can choose to ignore it and make wrong choices in life. No body can convince or force you. You have to be convinced of it on your own. And that comes more and more when we are healed of our egos, fears and such related emotions. Then in its place we give space to openness, faith and acceptance which will increase our ability to make right choices and better our perception and clarity of thought”.

We walked through the memory lanes to check with these statements and yes we had many instances to back it. As years passed and our fears dropped, our clarity of thought had bettered and our perception has broadened. So now if we found it difficult to accept few of her solutions it meant our fears in that area was still unattended or there was lots of work that needed to be done!

Now, we could see her replies differently. We wouldn’t label it as ‘right’ or ‘wrong’. We wouldn’t judge them. We would go through them and if we found something against our acceptance, belief or conviction then that was a ‘red flag’ that would alert us to look within and correct if there were any ego, fear or such issues.

And it was heartening to hear her say later that day ‘you need not accept everything I say or write blindly or completely. But know why you disagree and that is good enough and yes, remember what I say, maybe you’ll need it in later times’.

This ‘later times’ one I could accept completely as I had that experience like a million times......

But with regards to other view points, I still wanted to hold my ground – for now...!

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