Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Me, My Guru – On Gratitude!


Me, My Guru – On Gratitude!

Our eyes were moist and hearts heavy. Silence bound us together and we all rejoiced in a joy that was beyond description!

And all these years we thought Master meant more power and hence no problems or issues in life. Yes, I know only Masters who used ‘Reiki’ to being material abundance in life and that’s what seemed as ‘good returns’ from Reiki for them as they flaunted them! And we always thought ‘our Guru’ so lucky that she had no issues in life and hence was always happy! And we always wanted to have her life!

Now it was clear! She wasn’t happy ‘because of situations’. She was ‘inspite of situations in her life’. She didn’t put any condition of fulfillment of her desires or didn’t suffer when her expectations weren’t met. It did trouble her and cause her pain but she didn’t see in as a reason to question Reiki or God. That exactly was the reason for her to celebrate life, thank Reiki and God!

For what we cried, she celebrated!

Suffering or celebration, love or complaint depended solely on the eyes of the beholder was so true! It meant ‘the perception’ here. ‘Gratitude’ certainly was a huge word and I needed to attend God knows how many more of such sessions to get the feel of ‘tip of the word – Gratitude!’

But for now, it seemed like we received more than we had bargained for!

Would we able able to see love in the acts of our near and dear ones or judge them based on our petty expectations and conditions? Would we receive love? Could we recognise it even if it was already there in our life? If we hadn’t noticed it, how then would we validate it or celebrate it? Would we be going around asking for ever ‘why can’t I receive what I want?’ for eternity or would we look within and work on our perceptions?

So many questions and hardly any answers! But the good news was we also held he answers within us and in our power. We only had to recognise our ‘wrong perception’ and accept to throw it away and be free of such of nature that was stopping us from embracing life!
Wishing and hoping we do that, we called it a day! But not before understanding that ‘situations don’t make or break us, we use them to make or break us!’.....

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