Saturday, December 9, 2017

Me, my Guru – On body and obesity!

Me, my Guru – On body and obesity!

I hated when I came late – no, not because of what others would think of me – well, though that also mattered but mostly because it meant I didn’t get to know why a particular topic was being discussed or how or where it started. I had to follow it from where it started hearing and that many years down the line I realized meant I didn’t get the complete picture and mostly ended up understanding ‘that’ particular topic only partially and in most cases wrongly – which was worst than not understanding it at all!

Today was going to be one such day thanks to my punctuality! But I prayed for it to be not so....but...the session was in progress as I stepped in “of all the life-style diseases, obesity is the most ‘sinful’ of diseases that one can be living with” our Guru  stated.

‘How can a disease be termed as a sinful one’ asked some one.

‘Disease is not ‘sinful’. It is the person who has it who has ‘sinned’ – that’s what I meant’ replied our Guru.

That statement seemed very hurting and insulting to most of us! - Maybe because we belonged to ‘obese club?!’

May be she sensed our pain and confusion or may be she continued with her explanation to give us a complete picture as was her nature – I didn’t know but what she said later opened my eyes and sense to a large extent and with a huge jolt...

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