Sunday, December 3, 2017

Me, My Guru - on On being part of the Society and Social responsibilities!


Me, My Guru - on On being part of the Society and Social responsibilities!

“But what about corrupt politicians? It wouldn’t pain that much if my tax money didn’t fill their pockets” someone echoed my sentiments in this issue.

“Gandhiji chose Nation over his childrens’ future and we gained our freedom. Now to come to think of it, was it worth it I wonder at times! Well, Baba Amte followed Gandhiji’s principles, remained a bachelor and jumped into Satyagraha and is fighting movement till date against corruption and other evils through fasting.

Mother Theresa left her country, struggled in the slums of Calcutta to serve lepers who were not even cared for by their own family.

Ratan Tata didnot accept ‘order of 1lakh Nano cars’ from Pakistan saying he didn’t approve of giving or funding terrorists who bombed India either directly or indirectly. A businessman who wasn’t looking for his profit but looked beyond it! Man patriotic enough not to think only like a business man but as a citizen of this country first! Yes, no one would’ve questioned him even if he had accepted that order. But he stood his ground and looked beyond his personal gain.

Azim Premji let his venture take longer to start than bribe the officials and didn’t compromise with his principles even when it could earn crores of profit to his company. He had an excuse; he didn’t give in to that.

If we had to follow, we also have these people and such types in thousands to follow. We read about them, praise them and put it aside. But when it comes to practice we don’t recollect these people with integrity, work ethics, character and morals. We look at people whom we call as ‘corrupt’ to follow. We use them to get away with our acts, thoughts and justify our stand. Just think about it! When it comes to choose a path whom do we use as examples reflect our morality, principles and character? No act of others can justify our action – remember that always!

How a person behaves reflects his character and how we respond reflects ours! The other person’s actions can’t justify who we are!

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