Sunday, December 24, 2017

Me, my Guru – On right and wrong! Oh the do’s and don’ts!


Me, my Guru – On right and wrong! Oh the do’s and don’ts!

“But why would we choose to suffer when we know a way out?” I asked.

“One – because you’ve got used to that pain and have come to love the pleasure that this pain gives and you don’t want to lose it.

Two - because you choose to learn the hard way and that’s where your ego and arrogance come handy.

Three which is very common and that is we choose pleasant over right!

Getting up early in the morning to do exercise and sadhan is ‘right’ (as we complain of having a hectic day!) but sticking to cozy bed is ‘pleasant’ and we’ve umpteen excuses to fall back on like a.slept late b.its too cold c.we all should sleep for 8 hrs and so...etc..”

“But we are also accepting so many of your solutions. How can you blame us like this when we don’t accept some?” both he and I asked at a time, a bit hurt. We both ended up laughing as we ended the question. All through she was calm.

“This has nothing to do with me. It applies to everything you read, listen or see. It can come from any source. But we take only what we want to take. We by default are ‘never’ open to everything ‘right’ or ‘Dharma’ because it is right. We take it only if one it caters to our taste, two when it is what we want the solution to be and three when we are convinced.

“So the onus of responsibility of convincing us rests on you, isn’t it’ he asked.

“Smoking is injurious to health and it is told from so many quarters and yet people choose to – why? Do you mean to say they weren’t convinced by others in their life? Inspite of all the data, cajoling by near and dear a person can choose to ignore it and make wrong choices in life. No body can convince or force you. You have to be convinced of it on your own. And that comes more and more when we are healed of our egos, fears and such related emotions. Then in its place we give space to openness, faith and acceptance which will increase our ability to make right choices and better our perception and clarity of thought”.

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