Friday, December 22, 2017

Me, my Guru – On right and wrong! Oh the do’s and don’ts!


Me, my Guru – On right and wrong! Oh the do’s and don’ts!

Now this man was confused. He like me must’ve prepared a volley of questions to throw at her and must’ve wanted to ease the pain and discomfort that he experienced thanks to her answers to some of our queries. But, she smartly avoided it. He felt lost like me. Poor guy, I could feel his pain – actually!

He mumbled and fumbled for sometime and then as if he had lost t he cause said in a meek voice “but I don’t want to accept few of your answers. How then can I follow them or apply them if I don’t accept them?”

“Then don’t! simple” she said. She had smile on her lips and calmness on her face all through the talk.

He and I were the ones cringing. She was at peace!

“But you say we should do so” he asked raising his voice.

“I never give you a ‘should do’ advice or statement. If ever I have, it would have been a verbal error but I didn’t and don’t mean it. And bye the way, how many of my shoulds’ have you followed?” she asked laughing. She was right there...

“You mean to say we don’t need to follow your advice or answers” he asked a bit confused.

“Absolutely! And even if I do would you? You would only if you want to, not because someone told you to – leave alone me” she said.

Now even I was confused here. If she didn’t expect us to follow, then why tell or explain in detail?

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