Monday, December 18, 2017

Me, My Guru – On Gratitude!

Me, My Guru – On Gratitude!

“You see the pain and I see His Grace in this situation. He knew my body had to undergo this phase and so allotted ‘a car’ to travel to ease my pain. Imagine being a dancer or a conductor with this pain! But He saw to it that I have a job that would allow me to sit and work. How can I complain when He is so caring for me? He thinks so much for me and caters to such small needs, then how can I complain. I don’t do reiki so that my ailment goes away. I do Reiki so that it gives me ‘clarity to see His Grace and Love’. I know He doesn’t just give what I am worthy of (by way of my prayers and sadhan) but gives way beyond my worthiness. The amount of Reiki, meditation that I do isn’t even enough to run this body – forget about other mercies. So I do sadhan as a form of gratitude for all that He is already giving or had given. How can I find time and energy to do sadhan to receive my desires?

Initially whenever I was in pain (of any sort be it mental, physical, financial anything) I would simply sit in sadhan to heal it to be out of that pain. Then my areas of pain increased and so did my time in sadhan. One pain would go and two would come. It was much late I realized ‘The Truth’. I wasn’t receiving pain because of my karma! It was ‘His Love’ and all these I thought ‘He loved me’ when I was healed of my pain. How wrong was I! My pain was a proof of His Love for me. The more I was with Him and He wanting to hold me near Him created pain so that I would rush to Him!

The day I realized this, my sadhan became a tool to be with Him. It ceased to be a tool to get favours from Him”.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you mam.. This is a very wonderful post.. Learnt a lot from this today..

Thank you for writing in length on this and bringing our understanding to this new perspective on Gratitude!