Sunday, January 31, 2016

Where to find all answers?

You may want to listen to "Tora man darpan kahlaaye" from Meena Kumari Hindi film "Kaajal".....even translation is given in the video for those who don't get hindi words.......hope you enjoy summarises the article.........

Me, My Guru

“An old woman once lost her gold chain and was found searching for it under a lamp post at midnight. Passerby felt pity and stayed to help her in her search on that chilly night. As time went by more and more people joined in the search. After say 4-5 hrs came a young lad and asked as to what they were doing.


Then he came to old woman and asked “where did you lose your ear-rings?” she said “in my small dingy dark hut”. 

 “Then why are you searching here?” asked the lad.


“Because there is no light there and there is light here under the lamp post” replied old woman.

We like the old woman need to look into our dark, dingy, lonely, hut – i.e., our heart to find the gold called “Truth”. But because it is dark there we search for it in the external world.”


There was pin-drop silence as she narrated this story. This was not the first time that she was telling this tale – no. I’ve heard it umpteen times and yet it seemed fresh and beautiful. Well, so was any story that she told us. May be it never was about the story at all! It was ‘her’ telling with which we got connected. Just like today!

Suddenly I realized that it was since long that I’ve heard her speak for so long. Yes. We had been coming to her place and spent entire day and yet she would hardly talk. She would be just there and we would sit and argue and put forth our emotions, explanations, observations and leave. She hardly contributed with her words. Since when I can’t say! But, I realized that except in “regular class” she wasn’t talking much. And I didn’t even realize that till now. Did others? Their behavior didn’t give out that understanding. Was it because we didn’t miss her talk? Infact, of late each of us was talking a lot about our experiences and insights. Was she really capable of communicating in silence? Rahul, Priya and few others always said so and talked about such experiences, but I didn’t believe much of it. Not that I thought less of them or felt that were lying. No! but yet……couldn’t digest these things – especially about a person you see in flesh and blood leading such a simple ‘no-nonsense life’ in front of your eyes day in and day out. I was with such thoughts when her voice cut through my thoughts “I know when you ask a question, your search should begin and end where you lost what you are searching for – love, peace, satisfaction, faith – your own little heart. So, I direct all my answers to that point. But I suppose you don’t want the answer you want me to follow your emotions and walk your path. Your anger, resentment, irritation stems from this fact that I am not doing it inspite of your multiple trials! That’s all! Go ahead and feel all that you long to feel. Because I’ve discipline enough for both of us!”


1 comment:

Kshitija said...

Yes she speaks form the silence I have experienced it many times I would like to share my recent experience
My husband was not well I was very much worried about it in fact very tensed whom to go who will help me how do I do things then in my heart I her her saying I am with you , you can do it I am with u I was crying but in my heart I knew I was stronger then before after I heard her speak it gave me a lot of strength she was there through out with me I had many such experiences this is one of them and yesterday I wanted to make chalimidi to give but I did not know how to prepare my mother said she would help if I go to her place I wanted to do it by myself I saw her do once then I started listening to her that is guru who was telling me you can do it and I gave it a try and I succeeded
May be these are only few but I had wonderful experiences with which I would write a book
Tora man darpan kehalaye is a wonderful which she already mentioned in the blog once I heard it many it times it gives me
Solace it brings me closer to my self and to her