Monday, February 1, 2016

Why look within?

Heart rendering Bhajan "Payoji maine Ram ratan dhan payo " by none other than one and only Ms.Lata Mangeshkar.........



When she said such things that were in continuum to my thoughts that I had my doubts as “may be what Rahul and others say is true!”

“But Guruji, you always are asking us to go within /look into your heart, what exactly is there? Because, as far as we are concerned heart is just a mass of flesh plumping blood. What can we find there?” asked Vani.


 “Most of you must have heard that “Shiva stays in ManaSarovar  and you can find HIM there!” she started to explain “No doubt so many make a beeline to that place knowing fully well that they will not see HIM there.”

“ Then why do they go there?” Prerna asked.

  “To tell others what an arduous journey they made. This they think that would automatically become great and presume everyone would think the same (though in what sense I don’t know!) and respect them for being so great spiritually. When in actuality going to any place doesn’t change our net value a wee-bit if that journey hasn’t transformed us to be a better person from a bitter one (which rarely happens). On the contrary people become more arrogant and presume that their good karma was so high and hence only they could go where so many others are not able to, their sins (karma) has been completely washed off and that they are entitled to heaven once they die. Such preposterous ideas people weave in their naivety!” she replied with a smile.

“So true! I heard many of my aunts and cousins say these things “ joined Sneha “At that time I found it odd but now I get it. They do this as  going to a physical place is easier and achievable and here they need not let go off their dear nonsensical beliefs and life-style attitudes”.


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