Monday, February 15, 2016

On feedback


1.      Sometimes the product you’ve may be the best but it doesn’t have best takes. Just look at the number of my followers and visits on this page to understand that! There are so many sites with absolutely no content worth the name and yet have huge page-hits/day.

So, understand just being good or even best wouldn’t ensure you benefit with the results. You need to be seen and heard by the right person and that’s where smart marketing comes handy.

2.      As I add new gadgets or whatever to put forth my point, not all may approve of it. always remember, people have different tastes. Not all can like the same product packaged the same way!

3.      Those who like also may not give you such feed back. And hence I always plead to you people to keep that ‘attitude’ in motion in this Universe. 

Then it’ll reach you sooner that later!

4.      If you look in that comment there’s a line saying “….I always wondered that it would have been easy if you had directly gave us links .........” Now this can be looked by me in three different ways.

a.      The usual and most common approach : the one of pain and frustration! Yes, I can go bonkers thinking “here I am doing so much free of cost and these people expect me to do more work for them. They don’t even have patience etc etc…” well, you please imagine further. I can go on and on in this line of thinking.

b.      Less often but that of being rational and pro-active way of thinking – that of seeing this as a feedback and learn one more way (yes, for me giving a link directly was also a learning process – remember! I am an internet and computer illiterate. So for me every small thing is as good as learning a new alphabet, its pronunciation etc) of doing this job. Sometimes it takes longer time but learn I do when I try! (Don’t laugh, it may be easy for you all but to me everything seems Greek and Latin).

c.       The third and my favourite approach – that of seeing it and taking necessary steps if I feel like – I repeat feel like or just forget about it. I don’t feel obliged to cater to your expectations always! Since I am free that way any feedback doesn’t hold me with it.


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