Sunday, February 14, 2016

On feedback

On feedback

Further to the comment (link given above), I would like to state few obvious facts. As observed by few of you my blogging skills are getting better. And that I am trying to add few elements that could add little more colour to the knowledge that you receive…..

What does that mean?

That I am basically not-so-gadget-friendly person and so took to it so late.

Next, I am trying to take small steps in learning about this world.

Few of you are even happy with these changes in the blog!

What can we observe from these facts?

1.      Simple! That anyone can start learning anything at any time of their life. There is no ‘age-bar’ for learning and growing. Like-wise, any person can start something new, venture into unknown waters at any age and time (always remember there’s nothing as bad time to start anything legal). And at the start no-one can know everything about that field. But that doesn’t mean you don’t walk that path due to your ignorance.

2.      Initially you may take baby steps because you are new in this field but never compare your progress with those who are in it since long or those who are here for different reason. Gauge your progress only with yourself. Are you growing, learning, unlearning, winning over few fears, making progress?

If answer to any of the above is yes, you are already a winner though you may not receive the results that you seek. 


This song of one of the greatest ghazal singers  of our times Talat Aziz saheb's from film 'Daddy' - one more gem from Mahesh bhatt sahab tells us what we can feel at the end of life which is missed on living and on life spent wrongly.....hope you enjoy it as much as i did..........

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