Tuesday, February 16, 2016

On feedback


What does all this mean?

1.      In every situation of your life – be it personal, financial, professional or spiritual you’ll get such feedbacks. It’s up to you to decide which type of reaction you want to choose to face that situation. Your choice decides your state of mind.  Not the feedback. So learn this art earlier than later!

2.      Act only on such of feedback which help you to grow as a better person – be it physically, mentally, financially, emotionally or spiritually. Other feedbacks – just put them in “delete” mode.

3.      Don’t – I repeat NEVER EVER  try to understand why a person is being vicious when he/she gives a feedback/comment. There’s only one thing to understand in such situations. They are ‘garbage trucks’ carrying and throwing garbage around. A little fell on you to. Dust it and move on. They are not worth a second thought! And ever ever try to win them over too hard!

How come most of the comments are only about thank-yous and having only good in them except this boy who writes from black to white covering grey areas of topic too in between?

People who are cautious would always play safe and hence play less. They also receive less! People who are not ready to take ‘RISKS’ can never expect to reach the goal of ‘SUCCESS’.

And here is a boy who says it all. It could be so only he is either stupid or innocent not to weigh his words and reaction of the other person before saying it all!


1 comment:

Supriya said...

Thank you for the 3 points maam.

I need to apply it in all areas of my life. I can see my limitations when I evaluate myself on these three parameters.

Thank you for your guidance!