Wednesday, February 17, 2016

on feedback


And here is a boy who says it all. It could be so only he is either stupid or innocent not to weigh his words and reaction of the other person before saying it all!

Either way, what has he got to lose?

NOTHING! Yes nothing. Some faceless person even if he thinks this boy to be stupid, he is what he is. He doesn’t become stupid just because some one thought so.

On the other hand, what does he gain?

Everything! He can have his query answered if it is attended to and he can get his doubts cleared and he is free mentally to do other important jobs in his life.

If I don’t answer, he is where he is. He didn’t “lose” anything. Agreed he may not have gained something but he didn’t lose anything. He is where he is.

He can receive thanks from atleast few people who wish t acknowledge his contribution thereby receiving blessings coming his way.

And to all, please make it a habit to send reiki to anyone who has benefitted you in any way atleast for 15 mts. Once atleast!

So, this way again he can receive reiki from his fellow-students.
I would certainly call this a ‘win-win call’ situation.

Like-wise, remember you don’t lose anything by asking others’ opinion, feedback, help, know-how etc. Either you get it or you don’t. Atleast you know you tried.


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