Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Sadhan – Teacher’s Day 2024!


Sadhan – Teacher’s Day 2024!

Starting today let’s chant “Om gurubhyo namaha” for 15 mts daily.

Those who can and want to can chant longer too!

September 5th is Teacher’s Day and let’s chant this for the sake of all the teachers in our life who have taught us since our nursery days!

We will chant till September 5th.



Swati said...

Wishing mam and all the Gurus teachers of my life a very happy teachers days.
Didn't do for last 3 days.
Will finish it in coming days.
Thank you for guiding me, inspiring me and being there for me.
Thank you for teaching reiki.

Swati said...

Wishing mam and all the Gurus teachers of my life a very happy teachers days.
Didn't do for last 3 days.
Will finish it in coming days.
Thank you for guiding me, inspiring me and being there for me.
Thank you for teaching reiki.