Friday, August 9, 2024

Me, My Guru – On where there is a will, there is a way!



Me, My Guru – On where there is a will, there is a way!

Our Guru just smiled and waited for tea to arrive.” – Read this sentence again and again. And see the reaction and the emotions of the students in the next para. What did you understand from this?

We need not react or answer every question IMMEDIATELY! Just by waiting, you can fizzle the emotion and tension in the air many times. But, the classic question is, “Do you want to fizzle the emotion or are you fighting your ego battle?”

The MANTRA to maintain or sustain a good relationship, to reduce the negative vibe, and to ease the stress is “WAIT”. And, for that, we need to be balanced ourselves. We need to work on our ego – at other times so that we are balanced in times of need.

“SRK, AB –  when such examples are given – someone will come up with some other similar name. Now, what is the purpose of this example? Just to drive home a point. That is already done. Then, why take the pain to introduce one more character – whether public or your dear one?

Only a person who is listening or reading with emptiness will not come up with any other example.

Those who are reading out of ego will come up with similar examples. Stop there. Look within. Check the reason for your mind to go in that direction. Smile at your mind game. Come back and find your centre.

Let this post/example help you to find yourself and your ‘silent zone’. Do not get more into the ‘sound of knowing’ after reading the blog.



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Read the complete post in one go to understand it right....


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