Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Milestone crossed – 1000000 hits


Milestone crossed – 1000000 hits

For our blog number of hits doesn’t translate into any monetary benefit. So, the number actually doesn’t mean much to me or anyone else too!

Yet, we can understand a few facts of life from this!

As they say, the first million is a difficult goal to reach. The next millions are produced by the first million automatically!

Apply that to anything and everything in life. Reaching the first lakh seemed like forever! But, not the 1000000 mark seems effortless! This is the snowball effect of all the work previously done!

So it is with the good karma too! So it is with the hard work put in in any field. Keep working. Keep going the right way. Be in sadhan and results will become evident suddenly and monumentally – one fine day on! See our blog milestones to understand that!

Just remember – this rule applies to both good and bad deeds done. Bad deeds when done may not reflect in our lives and maybe it is not even noticed by others. And so, many times people become arrogant and think they can get away with doing wrong and harmful acts. But, it is not so. When the ‘pot of deeds’ (paap ka ghadaa) gets filled then the way it impacts our life is something beyond a human assumption and tolerance.

So beware of the same!

Be on the right path! Keep meditating and knowing yourself and working on yourself.


# milestones 1000000 hits, karma, good and bad deeds, 

1 comment:

Aparna Deshpande said...

Yes ma'am dhan ki Yatra to shuru Kiya hai thank you 🙏🙋💕 bar bar jagane ke liye with lots of love and gratitude 💝💝💝