Monday, August 12, 2024

Me, My Guru – Guru who gave back youth to his shishya!


Me, My Guru – Guru who gave back youth to his shishya!

As I entered the class which was in progress, I found everyone engrossed in the story which was being told by our Guru. I just joined them. And in no time found myself lost in the explanation.

“Mahadev is the ‘Adi Guru’. That means he is the first of all Gurus. The Guru parampara (lineage) started with the Adi Guru – Lord Shiva. Rishis who sought knowledge worshipped him. Asuras who sought boon to vanquish their eternal enemies – Devas, also worshipped him, pleased him and loved him.

He was ‘araadhya’ (one worthy of worship and love) of one and all! He was the easiest of all Gods to please. He was God of Gods and yet simple acts of worship pleased him. He was simplicity personified.

This was the same Lord who was dear to the Asura King Ravana. Ravana was so powerful that he vanquished Indra, the King of Devas, and had conquered the Devalok – Swargalok (heaven). He even captured his half-brother Kubera – the God of wealth and usurped all his wealth and his kingdom – the Golden City of Lanka. He won over other celestial beings like yaksha, and Gandharavas too!

Such a powerful Ravana was well versed in 4 Vedas and hence was called “Ravana Brahma” – one equivalent to Brahma in knowledge. Brahma was the Creator who was exponent in the four Vedas. No other person was on par with him in this knowledge – except of course his Grandson – Ravana.


# Me My Guru series, Ravana, guru's grace, on grace, qualities of the shishya, attitudes, humility, seva, 

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