Sunday, August 25, 2024

Me, My Guru – Hiss, but don’t bite



Me, My Guru – Hiss, but don’t bite

No real Master or scripture wants any sadhak to suffer while walking the path toward Enlightenment.

Before understanding right you may end up having 1000 wrong understandings that you would presume to be the right one!

No issues there – keep applying your understanding and see how you fare. Also, be asking yourself “Is there a different way to understand this or put this to use?” as you keep healing and questioning your understanding, bye and by, you’ll unravel the mystery of Truth. You’ll walk from lower understanding to higher understanding. Don’t feel bad. Don’t judge yourself. Don’t get angry at the wasted time too! Just collect yourself, and walk the new understanding till a newer understanding takes over. This way you’ll find yourself getting better and better in dealing with yourself, others and life in general.”

We didn’t ask her anything. And yet we got our answers – in full. Did she listen to our conversation? But that was almost impossible!!! We were left with these questions – as ever with ourselves. We got what we sought. Now, time to make necessary changes!

We should learn to hiss – but not bite!


# me my Guru series, Buddha and the snake, hiss but not bite, be firm but gentle, disturbed mind, balanced person, disturbing emotion, anger, calmness, patience, spirituality, 

also read suggested on this topic

Pointers to understand this post contd in the next post......

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