Thursday, January 10, 2019

On New Year resolutions….


On New Year resolutions….

But a person who just enjoys or celebrates till the wee-hours does feel the high of celebrations for sometime as he receives “likes” for his photos on social media but also falls back within no time into the mundane of dreary boring painful routine. He is disappointed that ‘even this year did not bring about the change that he desired since long’. The majority fall under this category who experience high with every change in place, vacation, celebration and experience the fall with the thud into their ‘usual suffering abysmal hell’.

No change of calendar, place or people can bring any positive change in these peoples’ lives. Sad but true!

Few are also those sensible ones who look to this day as an excuse to sit and recollect their thoughts, journey, lessons learnt, memories and achievements made, plans executed, fights fought and won. In short, they look within to understand their strengths and weaknesses, qualities developed and  weaknesses won over thereby start the New Year with the clarity of thought filled with their knowledge of self, which in turn helps them to know which area they need to work on and which are the strengths developed that they can cash on. With this know-how, when they celebrate New
Year, they know they are bidding goodbye to the year gone by which has enriched them in so many ways. This celebration is a way of gratitude where they say ‘good bye’ and welcome next year with heart full of hope, determination and with action plan and tools (the know- how of strengths and weaknesses). This way it is not an empty party but a ‘kick-start’ towards next mile-stone of life. Unlike the majority these people don’t think New Year means ‘change’ towards happiness. Their expectations are sensible, practical and hence achievable. For them New Year is just a continuation of the past but with adjustments made to alter towards the desired changes in life.


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