Thursday, January 22, 2015

what you chose decides where you go!


I’ve given couple of personal examples and you could learn from Swami’s speech how he had been cheated, insulted, called names, tortured (by people known by him too!) and what not!

Did it stop him from going ahead and completing the task for which he had set forth? No doubt, he had few well-wishers too. But people who gave him trouble were no less either. And all to a Great Soul who went on to spread the Universal Truths of our Land in the world and who was doing it in exchange for nothing. He was not a ‘personality development Guru’ or a ‘marketeer’ of some institution. He was a simple monk who went to give out precious gems to one and all in exchange for ‘nothing for him’. It was his immense Love that made such huge sacrifices and yet what was it that he received?

I can quote from scriptures but you would say “oh, Krishna/Rama was God, so they could withstand that…” and blah, blah, blah. Be it my personal experiences, Swamiji’s or Rama or Krishna. Moral is same. For every person there will be 10 telling he is bad or wrong. There will be people who’ll not return love in exchange for love. Nay, on the contrary they hate to the extent of working towards his downfall. There will be people who’ll always put hurdles in your way and use every means to stop you from reaching your goal or realizing your dream. That is the fact of life. Such things and people will exist and operate as long as this world exists. We should learn to accept and live with it. Now the big question is how? How do we live with such people and situations? By breaking down, stop doing what is right (like talking about our Guru or chasing our dream or going for what we want) or stooping down to their level and give out anger, hatred et such emotions in return to their negative attitude and behavior? You and only you can decide how to react in such situations. Crying, being depressed, getting angry, going into shell, living in fear etc are the ways you have said you are behaving and living. I am not here to support you here nor am I to condemn such of your actions. I am here to show you a better possibility of action and I’ve given few examples to illustrate that too!


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