Saturday, December 1, 2018

Difference in energies

Difference in energies

(Further to the query in the link given below :

(Godavari Arti in Rajhmundry - AP)

Assuming I have ONLY good experience, emotions and feelings always experience with moon, how come even they vary from time to time?

If it is the case, bless you for you belong to that group of people who have come to that ‘slot’ in existence where ‘being happy’ has become a way of effortless living with you. You are the one who’ll say -

“wow! I am in heaven – beautiful ambience”

“Wow! I am in hell! I have got company!”

You’ve practiced over God knows how long and come to live and Be happy inspite of circumstances.

And for those of us who aren’t in that space yet the mantra to be ‘happy’ is to choose ‘being happy’ every time we have to choose between ‘being happy’ and ‘being sad’.

Now coming to question as to why the same person’s feelings change from time to time?

Apart from ‘State of mind’ there are other variables working within like our attitudes, centre of operation and sadhan. 

As we are in sadhan our attitudes start shifting from fault-finding, complaining, conditions and expectations to that of acceptance and gratitude. When we are grateful we see the abundance in our life and its situations.


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