Monday, April 13, 2015

Rama and Ravana


Ravana had abducted Sita, wife of Rama and Vibhishana was that Ravana’s brother. Yet when he sought his (Rama’s) refuge, Rama gave him his protection. That’s the quality of Rama.

What’s the difference between Rama and Ravana killing Devas?

Ravana killed or vanquished Devas to prove his supremacy and to usurp their maidens and wealth. His was a war waged to satisfy his lust.

But, Rama’s wife was abducted by Ravana and it is husband’s duty to protect and save his wife. So, he waged war against Ravana. Even then, Rama did not wage war directly. He sent a ‘mediator’ to negotiate with Ravana stating that he releases his wife with respect and seek apology for his act. If Ravana had done that, Rama wouldn’t have killed Ravana, but Ravana drunk with arrogance made fun of that ‘option’ and lost his life.

Even after the war, Rama did penance seeking forgiveness for the sin of having killed a Brahmin as Ravana was a Brahmin. Only after intense penance and having been condoned of his sins, he marched towards Ayodhya to become its king. He did not justify his action as against that of Ravana’s. he killing him was Nyaya but Dharma says he should repent for the sin of killing Brahmin too! That’s clarity of thought! That’s being balanced and just. Right and wrong and Dharma and Nyaya so beautifully and completely explained! Our right acts also may contain a tinge of wrong in it. To bear responsibility for the same and not to justify our acts from one angle only and to act according to Dharma from every angle – well that’s something we need to learn from Rama. The day we start understanding this and living it on a day-to-day basis, Rama Rajya would come automatically. We need to bring that change from within. We need to place Ram in our hearts and mind should follow only Dharma to bring a change in society. We don’t need swords and saffron dresses to bring that change. In fact, it cannot be bought about by sword and dresses.

Ram did not speak cheap of Soorpanaka who openly declared her desire for him. He rejected her offer but with respect and due explanation that he was under the oath of ‘ekapatnivrata’ (one woman man). The same respect unless a man has for every woman regardless of what dress she wears or what time she goes out, that man cannot be a Rama Bhaktha. He cannot talk about saving ‘Hinduism’. Respect the woman first, then Rama Rajya would come automatically.

Do you want to bring RamRajya back?


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