Friday, April 17, 2015

Duties of Ideal Husband and Ideal Wife..


Then only to stand by her is his duty. Right? No. to let her fulfill her dreams (justified and legal) and support her to realize them is also his duty. Many women compromise on their likes/dislikes after marriage because he doesn’t give permission or that he doesn’t like. That’s wrong. Her individuality shouldn’t be curbed and her spirit killed in the name of family name and honour and such excuses. Many women come to Reiki class without telling their husbands – that’s really sad and bad. He may not believe or even follow it, but he can let her learn, do things that she believes in. again, drugs or such desires don’t come under this head.

So, the duty of husband is only to 

a. protect and stand by her 

b. let her and support her in fulfilling her dreams. 

All other things are extras. If he does household chores, takes care of kids, give comforts and luxuries but stands silently when people taunt her or insult her then he has failed her. He is not a ‘good husband’. On the other hand he openly praises her (only genuine remarks and not flattery) and doesn’t let anyone say a word against her but can’t afford luxuries and comforts, doesn’t help in daily chores – even then he is a ‘good husband’.

I hope it is clear now!

But what about wife Guruji?

Simple. Her job is to share his ups and downs without cribbing and standing by him in times of need, to help him in realizing his dreams. One who taunts on his disabilities (of giving material benefits) either in public or private is a ‘bad wife’. One who doesn’t make untoward demands is a ‘good wife’.  One who doesn’t cook, maintain house, doesn’t get up at 5am and put moggu (creative art drawn with rice flour on the ground in front of the house in India) early in the morning – this doesn’t make her a ‘bad wife’. 

She is his wife – not cook, servant, interior decorator, toilet cleaner all rolled in one for free. She does it – well that’s good and he can thank her for that and praise his stars but if she doesn’t she hasn’t failed as a wife. Very tricky but true!

A man doesn’t know to entertain with dance, doesn’t know to drive, fight and yet that doesn’t make a man a ‘bad husband’. Similarly not being able to do household chores doesn’t make a woman a ‘bad wife’.

Who earns is not important. That’s between them and if they decide that wife goes to job and he works from home or takes care of kids at home, then it’s absolutely fine. No one can make fun of such couple. That’s none of our business. Money is to fulfill our needs and as long as it comes into the house by proper means – who brings it doesn’t and shouldn’t matter. Remember that….


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