Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Raavan - The Ultimate antagonist



Raavan – the name invokes image of fearsome and a ferocious personality. And as presumed by some, mothers were telling their children “so jaa bête varna Raavan aa jayega”. But that was not the case. Mandodari fell hopelessly in love with him. And she was considered one of the “Miss worlds” of her times. 

 Mandodari - Queen of Ravana

His ‘tejas’ (nearest word can be aura. Tejas can be understood as a brilliance that one gains or has because of energy field around him) was so powerful that many wouldn’t be able to see him directly. This ‘tejas’ can’t be bought or manipulated. It is earned only through intense tapas and penance.

That goes to prove that he had great self-restraint and an even greater determination to do penance for thousands of years – because of which he got his tejas. Moreover, his concentration powers were beyond normal levels. Otherwise, how could he please Lord Shiva so much with his penance that he appeared before him and granted a boon that he would be called “Greatest Devotee of Shiva”.


Not only that he again did penance to appease Lord Brahma for thousands of years to seek a boon of immortality and he got it too.


Ravana as a Bhaktha : some scriptures state that he constructed “Golden Lanka” to gift it as a abode to Lord Shiva. Others state that he sought Lanka from Shiva. Either way, just imagine his intimacy with the Lord. Even devas were afraid of his anger and were always wary of Him, that Lord Shiva he had audacity to gift or seek his abode from him. Call it his arrogance, closeness or stupidity but the fact remains that he was so close to Lord Shiva that he could seek anything from Him and even Shiva was so amused and pleased with his bhakthi that He entertained his requests.

Once to prove his strength he lifted Mount Kailash along with Lord Shiva and his followers. Lord to teach him a lesson pressed the mountain with just his toe and Raavan was stuck under the mountain. All the worlds shook with his cry of pain. 

Realizing his folly, to appease his Lord he in that intense pain sang one of the most beautiful and excellent piece of poetry in Sanskrit called “Raavana Tandava Strotam”. Click  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4Vqrvjezbc  if you are interested to listen. 

And to know its sanskrit lyrics click : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvUF4LkmwKo

And to see its meaning click ……https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYNFTxyyc4k


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