Tuesday, April 14, 2015

How to get Ram Rajya?


Well, if you want Ramrajya back then –

a)      Start respecting woman, regardless of her dress, profession, life-style and choices. Ram did not kill ‘Thataki’ (female demon) because she was a woman. Only when Sage Vishwamitra explained that she was killing innocent rishis and their families and it was duty of noble men to protect rishis did Rama kill her.

b)      He did not call his stepmother names like ‘-----‘ etc. he did not say ‘cheap woman, you enticed my father with your looks and how dare you want me to go to forest now.”

He respected her as much as he respected his mother. He himself was a ‘one woman man’ yet did not judge his father or his step-mother’s character because of their choice. He respected their right to lead their life their way and respected their choice still maintaining his principles. To understand that Ideal and to live that is being Rama Bhaktha.

c)      Stop torturing women in the name of dowry and stop killing girl child and wanting only male child.

d)     Start respecting your wife and be a one woman man before asking her to be like Sita, Savithri. Set an example of great character to others to follow. You can’t force someone to be good or moral. Be an example. Stop abusing women in your house and society. Stand for them, protect them and respect them if you really are a ‘true Hindu’.

e)      Read Vedas and Upanishads and work on you character as they claim that only thing worth working for is ‘enlightenment’. Become a rishi. Practice renunciation. People will flock to you. People will follow your foot steps automatically. Bring out the Divine within you. Meditate. Do penance. Work on your character. Others character will change automatically if you become pure from within.

f)       Stop working on breaking pubs and forcing people from taking to western customs and life-styles. The more something is forced on, the more people will revolt against it. If you are really interested in spreading ‘Sanatana Dharma’, then revive all the temples in remote places which are in ruins. Pay the priests good salary and let the ceremonies be performed regularly. Make arrangements for the same. Educate the masses. Work on these aspects. Revive the masses economically, socially and culturally. Be constructive in the fulfillment of your desire – not destructive. Not by force but by education only can real transformation happen. This way Ramayan teaches us to deal with various aspects of life and its situations the right way. Even if you forget that it is story of Lord Vishnu’s Incarnation – i.e., Rama and read it just as a life of an ordinary man who rose to pedestal of ‘Perfect Man’ or ‘Godhood’ by simply following ‘Dharma’. He never compromised on principles however much he had to suffer for the same. 

   Every character throws light on how to raise above the situations, how to use testing situations as an excuse to make penance and bring forth our divinity to the fore. Ramayan through its characters shows us how we can slip and given in to temptations and how they affect our lives. It’s a moral story so poetically told.


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