Monday, July 12, 2021

On disturbances in life and their place in our life



On disturbances in life and their place in our life

A little disturbance in these conditions causes anger, frustrations, fear, pain and suffering in our life. And these feelings are our ‘indicators’ that ‘something’ is wrong with us’. They let us become aware of ourselves and seek to find the cause of our disturbance. In the process, we'll eventually seek our centre. We gain stability and strength. That is all there is to life and relationships in our life.

So you see any disturbance – be it in relationship, economic or socio-political is only to make us aware of our ‘conditions’ which are wrongly placed. With every awareness, comes little correction and bye and by we gain our ‘balance

This disturbance can also come in the form of pandemic or death if we don’t make necessary corrections with little disturbances in our life! When you call out to someone and he doesn’t listen, don’t you yell at him or make a loud noise to gain his attention. Universe does it too. And then we end up asking ‘but why should God punish us?’ Questions itself is stupid so can’t be answered. This is not God punishing (as if He has no other work!?). It is the Law of the Universe. When you don’t listen to little noises, it yells at you! That’s all!


# everything happens for good, ups and downs of life, challenges of life, facts of life, life, good and bad times, failure and success, pain and suffering, disturbances of life 

Points worth remembering :

  • Disturbance in normal routine life is not a curse. Every thing that goes up has to come down. So it is with events of life. Good times are up. So comes down, the tough times after good times. They come and go in circles. That is the nature of life. Time changes for all. It has to. 
  • So to avoid being in pain is not to seek 'avoidable situations and people' in life. But to learn to live with them with right mind set. Situations don't make or break us. Our conditional mindset breaks us down. So train the mind to be balanced at all times. And before long every situation becomes beneficial one way or the other.
  • We can't understand 'why' things go awry when they go. We can understand them only when we look back in time. We can understand our blessings of the past. So let us with faith know that whatever happens happens for good. If you are in sadhan and have done reiki for something, however it turns it is for good! Believe this and see fear, anger, frustration, pain, tension fizzle away for good!

Clarity of thought tip :

Lock down is removed. That doesn't mean everything is fine. The covid is still there. It would be stupid to travel out of boredom even to holy places as such times. Don't give yourself excuses of 'seeing God' and put yourself and others in danger. "I did reiki shield maam" is a stupid statement when simply we can sit at home and be safe. Look within to understand the emptiness that is driving you to take stupid risks in the name of 'seeing God' and 'visiting God'. 

And then you say 'felt bad and sad that my 'X' fell sick and suffered due to Covid. Did reiki but...' If you really don't want to fall sick then don't do window shopping or do vacation trips now. Avoid crowds at all costs. 

Due we really need to do shopping or go out to eat at such times? Think twice before justifying your actions!?

If you really want to experience God or silence, just disconnect with the outer world via whatsapp or other apps and go within. Connect yourself the old way. Listen to music. Sing along! Play in door games. Draw. Paint. Cook and feel the breeze on your face. You won't reach land of 'peace' by running away from here!

My wow moment - yesterday - I listened to my favourite songs ....rain as the back drop - it was wow! 
I hadn't felt so happy since it was doubly grateful and wow moment........


Supriya said...

My wow moment: got to watch my favorite movie series. I must have watched them many times, but it always gives me joy to watch it again.

Swati said...

Yesterday my wow moment was in the morning everything was silent and I was enjoying the coo of the koyal.