Saturday, July 17, 2021

Quotes and sayings! On Difficulty!

Quotes and sayings! On Difficulty!

previous post :

How many of you had a bad/tough/bitter time/experience which you thought was end of the world but you kept healing (many times crying and without much of belief even but...) and lo! you found reiki brought about a huge shift in life /life situations that was beyond your imagination/expectation and you realised that things after all worked out well in the end.......?

You need not explain or write in detail your personal details - just that you faced similar situation and you found light at the end of the tunnel later is enough to motivate others you are groping in darkness of doubt, fear and pain now.......

My wow moment :
When I write a sentence or a story that lights me up.........


Kshitija said...

My relation with the one I have chosen had always troubled me and many a times I thought I would give up today it’s entirely different . reiki helped me .
I started with one technique and moved on to others and now it’s something wow for me thank you reiki thank you Guruji

Supriya said...

It happened to me. I allowed myself to hold onto negative thoughts, events and feelings for long. When I was doing reiki I saw short term benefits and would think that reiki does not work. When I hit rock bottom, I looked within during my reiki healing practices and found how I was responsible for attracting the pain. Once I starting consciously letting go of those negative thoughts, events and feelings, started taking responsibility and correcting my attitude, my life took a complete U-turn. I focused on my healing and all bitterness from my relationships and life faded away. Reiki techniques helped me at every step of the way.

People may not have changed much, but their treatment towards me changed. I learned that their change is their journey. I trust that they are capable of completing their journey. (Situations also changed for the better)

I am still staying in sadhan so I can get to the point where I can love them unconditionally and ask for blessings for them without any strings attached.

Thank you Guruji!
Thank you Reiki!