Saturday, July 24, 2021

Guru Pournami


Guru Pournami

Today being Guru Pournami, let's come together to thank our Gurus for all that we received both by way of material benefits and for all the experiences and understanding that we have had in our life. This journey of self-awareness had been very rewarding. It has enriched us with better clarity of thought, better understanding of ourselves and our life. We have come to appreciate the beauty and grandeur of our life and relationships. All thanks to our Gurus. Their words and guidance has been the torch bearers of our path since the beginning and for all the years to come. 

Let us sit together once more to thank them for all that we are, we have received and for what they are!

Let us for next five days starting today sit to chant -

Hanuman chalisa 21 times per day and on the last day 24 times thereby completing 108 times in 5 days....(this way your routine wouldn't be disturbed a lot...) You can chant 24 times on any day convenient to you....By the fifth day we would have completed 108 times of chanting HC...

Some of you don't know HC, nothing to worry just chant MM. You can do this japam say 5 malas per day or any number convenient to you.....

If any of you are too busy with your routine then take the entire next week and complete the set chanting by next sunday - no issues.....

it is not about the time and no. of times you chant but the intention and the realization of what we have received and how much Gurus are doing for us.......

read related post on this subject : 

# on guru, guru pournima, guru's role, discipleship, 

This week sit in meditation with following questions:

  • Who is my Guru?
  • What does Guru mean to me?
  • What is the role of Guru in my life?
  • What are my expectation I have from my Guru?
  • What do I seek from a Guru?
  • What did I receive from him?
  • What did I give him?
  • If I don't have a Guru, then which quality of mine is stopping me from receiving him in my life? Why do I still have it? How is it beneficial to me? Why am I still holding on to it?
  • If i had a Guru and let him go, why did I do that? What was the reason behind my words and actions? 
  • Do I need a Guru? Why do I need a Guru for?
Ask all the questions and atleast few of them and sit in meditation. Find the answers. Jot it down in your journal. 

The sun shines again! wow moment!

However long may be the rain, sun always comes up! Remember that ALWAYS!


Supriya said...

On it maam!

Aarthi said...

Gratitude & thank you mamm,for always guiding & being there for us.

Swati said...

I did it.
Enjoyed it.
Thank you so much for encouraging us and giving this opportunity to chant.

Thank you so much.